>> 28.11.09
It is your attitude at the beginning of a task more than anything else that will determine your success or failure.
It is your attitude towards life that will determine life's attitude towards you.
Despite many people's belief to the contrary, life pays no favorites. You control your attitude.
If you are negative it is because you have decided to be negative and not because of other people or circumstances. Act as if you have a good attitude.
Remember actions trigger feelings just as feelings trigger actions.
Before a person can achieve the kind of results he wants, he must first become that person. He must then think, walk, talk, act and conduct himself in all of his affairs, as would the person he wishes to become.Treat everybody as the most important person in the world. Attitudes are based on assumptions.
In order to change attitudes one must first change one's assumptions.Develop the attitude that there are more reasons why you should succeed than reasons why you should fail. When you are faced with a problem, adopt the attitude that you can and will solve it. We become what we think about.
Control your thoughts and you will control your life.Radiate the attitude of confidence, of well being, of a person who knows where he is going. You will then find good things happening to you right away. In order to develop a good attitude, take charge first thing in the morning.
Do you say, "Good morning, GOD" or "Good GOD, morning?"
Read these twelve points every day for the next thirty days
and see how your life changes.
- Choose your attitude.Your choice of attitude can decide the outcome of your life.
- Negative thoughts have no power unless you empower them.
- Write a list of blessings and keep them handy to read when you are attacked with "negative thoughts".
- There is enough good and bad in everyone’s life, ample sorrow and happiness, sufficient joy and pain.
- You can choose to laugh or cry, bless or curse. It’s your decision!
- From which perspective do you want to view life?
- Will you look up in hope or down in despair?
- An optimistic attitude is not a luxury; it’s a necessity.
- The way you look at life will determine how you feel, how you perform, and how well you get along with other people.
- Conversely, negative thoughts, attitudes, and expectations feed on themselves; they become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
- Pessimism creates a dismal place where no one wants to live.
- The only thing more powerful than negativism is a positive affirmation.
If you want to have a change in attitude, ask God to show you the good side, the beneficial side, the favorable side, THE POSITIVE SIDE TO SITUATIONS!
For everything that happens in a person’s life, there is a reason, and there is help from Above.
So if you feel you are getting swamped with negative thoughts, that you can’t help but think in a despairing, hopeless way, ask God to show you the “upside” of the things that are happening to you.
“It is from the struggle, not the victory, that we gain strength.”Jerome K. Jerome
Do you love God? Then that promise is for you! For you He can turn bad to good and help you find the silver lining in any cloud He allows to overshadow you.
So don’t let those clouds stay there for long!
LOOK FOR THE GOOD, and God will help you find it!