Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...
It's about learning how to dance in the rain.

The Winning Weapon

>> 29.11.09

Think before they think, that is the rule of warfare. Even in the game of chess, every move of the opponent is studied, analysed and carefully thought upon before making any move. If you are the first to move, have a plan.
And it is this plan that needs to be protected from praying eyes. It goes without saying that, for this, business men should be alert. While taking up new projects or while executing projects in hand, a high level of secrecy should be maintained.

What you are doing, what you are thinking, and all your moves should not be known to others. One needs to create an aura of secrecy around him self to move ahead, before the rest.
A golden rule to remember in business is that there is a big difference between planning and execution. Make your plan perfect, then execute without delay. There is no point planning when the time has come to execute.
But let’s fact it keeping secrets is a tough thing to do. However, there are some tips that can help one:
Whenever you feel like disclosing a plan to someone, remember to postpone the same.

Give yourself at least a day. Once you have done that, you will improve your self control. By practicing this, you will slowly but surely get the confidence to keep things to yourself. Also, learn to observe silence at least half an hour every day to help your thought power rule over your talkative nature.
Execute and then speak;
Do not speak and then execute. It should be the other way round. The biggest danger in revealing your plans is that you give the opponent an added advantage to think before you.

Think ahead;
On achieving success in any endeavor, we feel like talking about the same to others. Rather, we feel like bragging! The best way to avoid this is to
start new projects immediately. Always keep yourself busy with newer plans.

“The only way to keep yourself productive is by having at least a month’s work in front of you”.
Swami Shivananda


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