Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...
It's about learning how to dance in the rain.


>> 6.12.09

Only a small percentage of us ever set goals.
The reasons we don't, are many;
It takes too much time - if we set them then we have to do them, we don't know how, we will be disappointed if we fail to reach them.
isappointment if the goal is not reached - is probably a major reason of not setting goals or of setting them too low. Our fear of failure - That inhibiting fear that prevents most of us from soaring like the eagles. But some do soar like eagles. They have set their goals based on their values and vision and they set them high, and they never quit in their journey.

What if the goal is not met? What if we have to make adjustments along the way? What if we realize that the goal needs to be changed? So what? If we aim high, very high, then the process of achieving the goal will bring a great deal of learning and growth, and part of that learning and growth may be in knowing our true selves better. We can gain an appreciation for who we are and what we value. And in the process we achieve a level that we would not have achieved without aiming high.

Who knows, when we "shoot for the moon" we may just land there, or if we miss we will surely "land among
the stars. Allen Schmeltz

Your role in achieving your goal must be giving your all. Involve yourself whole: with your heart, your mind and your soul.
Victoria Holtz


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